Young Gay Men’s Information Sheet Series

Contributing Organization:
Canadian AIDS Society

This series of resources intended for young gay men includes the following information sheets:

HIV 101: A general overview of HIV, including means of transmission, the different strains of HIV, and its reproduction once in the body.

Quick Reference: Categories for Assessing HIV Risk : A primer on the degree of risk associated with various behaviours that can lead to the transmission of HIV.

Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll: An outline of different types of drugs, their affects on the body and how they can affect your ability to make decisions.

HIV by the Numbers – Youth: Statistics on HIV among youth in Canada

HIV Testing Q & A: The ins-and-outs of HIV testing, including when you should be tested, where to go for testing, what to expect during testing and reasons why you should be tested.

Resources in resource collection

HIV Testing Q&A

Publication date: 2012
HIV Testing Q & A: The ins-and-outs of HIV testing, including when you should be tested, where to go for testing, what to expect during testing and reasons why you should be tested.

Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll – and HIV

Publication date: 2012
SEX, DRUGS, ROCK. & ROLL – and HIV. Many studies have shown a relationship between drug use and unsafe sexual practices among gay and bisexual men …

HIV 101

Publication date: 2012
Origins of HIV HIV vs. AIDS HIV-1 vs. HIV-2 CD4 T-Cells Transmission How does HIV reproduce in the body? Is there a vaccine? Is there a cure?